We are Room. and this is our story, so far.
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We've done a lot. And we've done it first.
We launched Room. in January 2020 with the mission to empower political professionals from underrepresented backgrounds.
We started by building our Room. membership.
We were told repeatedly it couldn't be done, others had tried and failed, but we did it.
We were told we were crazy to demand salary bands from every company recruiting from us. Now it's the norm.
We were told our language made folks uncomfortable, and now it's the language used on all company websites.
We can't take full credit for the outcomes but we are proud of the role we've played, our foresight, and the integrity with which we've always operated.
Since then, we have built a vibrant community of over 1,000 political professionals from marginalized communities, recruited top talent for some of the biggest names in the industry, connected hundreds of companies to our community through our job board, and partnered with organizations to bring DEIA practices to life.